I have been wanting to comment on this topic for sometime now because I believe its at the heart of why so many people fail at having a successful home business. Now that’s not to say that there are not some good programs out there and that just because there is a launch or a beginning to a company that it’s no good. Everything has to start somewhere just like Healthy Profits had to start somewhere too.
“So what are you trying to say Josh”?
What I am trying to say is that once you do your homework and find a company and business you like, stick with it and make it succeed. A lot of the times what happens and I have been guilty of this, is that not long after starting a business, some new one comes out. After watching flashy videos and cool sites people start to think that maybe they got into the wrong company and now this new one is the best….until another one comes out :-(
See its never ending and its kind of like going to Las Vegas where you walk around the slot machines trying to find a flashy, cool looking machine that will make your dreams come true. So you find one you like and you play it for awhile till you look across the room and see someone hit the jackpot at another shiny new machine, so you cash out and join the new machines and play that one.
Now I am sure you can see what I am getting at. There is a never-ending supply of new programs coming out. Actually its very profitable to the person who is starting it cause they start sometimes weeks or months before the launch date advertising there pre launch business and selling positions in it and finally by the time it launches they have made a mint and many times you never hear of that company again. They usually go off and start another pre launch.
You see the money is made selling that pre launch business. For most pre launch companies that’s how they work. All this does is leave everyone who joined just there holding the bag and later drop out and look for something else.
Again how does this apply to you? Do your homework, make sure you like the company. Make sure it makes sense to you cause if you don’t really get how it works how do you think you will be able to explain it to others. I believe you must be able to get a hold of the person who introduced you to it. This is important cause if you have questions a good team leader will be there and have the patients to help you out. I post my personal phone number everywhere for you. Here it is again. 956-821-7090.
I joined Healthy Profits Now cause I understood it and it made sense to me. Its not difficult to understand mailing out postcards and sending others to your toll free message or you phone number and website. Its low tech I know, but it works. Sometimes the fast lane is not the best place to be all the time, but a sure dependable system that works over and over again is sometimes the way to go.
So I encourage people to check out other companies if they want before choosing one. I want you to find what works for you and your life style. Like I have said before I am here to help you succeed if you join my team I will always answer my phone. Of course if I am asleep or busy you will get my voicemail and I will call you back as soon as I can. You are my business cause if you do not make money and succeed I will not. That’s how it should be. :-)
One last note of jumping around to different programs, the times I do feel its ok to drop one and pick another is if that company has changed in a negative way and no longer offers you what is best for you, your family and your long term business plans.
Saying that HPN is not what you would call a fancy smancy business but it works and is making money for me and others that are joining me. After speaking to the owner several times I feel comfortable with it, and I’m working on building the biggest and most successful team in Healthy Profits Now and will work to help others in there HPN business to the best of my ability.
I got to get ready now cause I am getting together with family to watch the super bowl :-)
Take care and God Bless,
Josh Sanchez