Today I was listening to the radio as I was driving and I just had to post some comments about it. They were talking about how the government wants to spend more and more of our money which we don't have. They don't seem to care that we and our future kids will have to pay for all this like forever!
Now I know this is not a politics blog and I do not want to make it one, but I just wanted to share my thoughts because I think its important for people to realize that no one cares about you more than YOU. No one is going to help you pay your bills or your health care. Now the government will try, but all it will do is lower the quality of care. Don't believe me just go to the DMV and go get your licence or try to renew or change your licence plate and see just how fun the experience is.
The thing that really got me upset and what triggered me to write this is that since the whole AIG thing , the government is talking about capping the wages of CEOs and employees. WHAT?
That is not American at all! What I wanted you to see is that we are not safe or secure tring to build up a career and becoming wealthy because there is now more and more people looking at being rich as evil. Can you believe that? Funny how the ones starting that trend is rich people in government. Oh the hypocrisy!
This is why is so important to look out for yourself and to build your own business and work for yourself. I plan to become very very wealthy and I want you to join me. Even if its not in my business find yourself some home based business and work it. Life is too short and I do not want people telling me how much I can make. If anyone wants to I recommend the book "Why we want you to be rich" by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki.
Well that's my post and that's what I wanted to share with you cause I know people that come to my blog are looking for a way to make extra money or a full time income from home so they can have more freedom. After all this is what America is all about and its the best country in the world. I just want it to stay that way and not go down a path where we will lose that. I know people have lost jobs left and right but more and more are starting a home based business because of it. Just my thoughts.
God Bless
Josh Sanchez