Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Solved The Internet Marketing Problem

If you have no clue on how to market online, great! Do not worry my dear home biz friend cause I solved the problems and headaches involved in marketing online.

You can build a home business in 2009 using my techniques using postcards. That's right, just stick a label and stamp on a postcard and drop it off at the post office. I know it seems too easy but I like to keep things simple and I am sure you do too :-)

Its soooo cheap to advertise with postcards and compared to Internet advertising, postcards blow it away! I just mailed out I think like 800 postcards this last Friday (cause the post office was out of stamps) and I have already gotten (not sure if that's a word but it works for me) several sign ups so I know it works.

Have questions? Please... please call me and don't be a stranger. I know sometimes you might feel like you might ask a stupid question but don't worry. You want stupid, I know what stupid is cause I have asked it all (almost). I do not mind cause I am sick and tired of seeing people slave away at their jobs and not even be able to eat lunch with your family or friends. As a kid I remember only my mom coming to see me at school plays and stuff. Heck my father was not even able to attend my high school graduation. Not cool.

But hey if you love your job more power to you and I have no problem with that. I am talking to those that are looking for something more out of life and want financial freedom. I believe Healthy Profits Now will give you that.

To Your Success,

Josh Sanchez
