Yesterday I was talking to a Physician Assistant (PA) at the clinic I manage,. Im not sure how we got into the subject, but we started to talk about jobs and the economy and stuff.
Well the PA was commenting on how she hardly gets to see her 1 year old twin daughters and how she was always tired when she got home. After talking a bit more with her I relized that she only sees her children for about 2 1/2 to 3 hours a day! Whats that about? I guess I always knew that, but when I actually was thinking about it, she got home around 5:30 or 6:00 and her kids are little and need to go to bed early.
I paused for a bit and said wow work sucks right?
She agreed and said back to me strongly " Work sucks but what else can we do"!
Folks, working all day just to see your family for a couple two to three hours a day is not acceptable to me and I think you would agree with me. This is why I believe so strongly with having a home based business or an internet business that allows you to make enough money to be able to quit your job and start spending more time with your family.
My goal is to help as many as I can to quit their jobs as soon as possible. If you would like to know how I am doing this feel free to email me or call me or just check out the rest of my blog.