Hello everyone just wanted say hi and hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I knowI ate too much and really felt it today as I started my workout for this week. Oh well now I need to diet till Christmas cause their will be plenty of more food to eat.
But I really love this time of year cause it really allows us to focus on whats inportant in our lives and share good times with family and friends. I had lots to be thankful this year and hope to have many many more great years. I believe we are all blessed just being here in the USA. I love my country and am proud to be an American. This country allows freedom for us to have businesses and create our own financial freedom if we are willing to work. I do not mean for this to go on so long, but its just that we just had Thanksgiving and all. :-)
Well thanks for reading my blog and if its your first time here welcome and please check out my other posts here. If you are still on the fence of whether to start your own home based business I am here to help. If you think you will bother me by calling don't worry you aren't. I enjoy having people call me and ask me questions. I will try to help as best as I can. I too had a ton when I started!! and I do mean a ton of questions and drove many nuts with my questions. I like you have tried so many programs and have failed many times. I feel your pain and am commited to helping you success too. So email or call me either way is fine. I promise you will not drive me nuts so ask away.
Have a great week and look out for more posts from me.
Take care and God Bless
Josh Sanchez
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Does's This Really Work?
Today I got an email from someone who got my postcard in the mail and they asked me "Does this really work"? "I mean can I really make money just mailing postcards"?
I could not help but smile because this is the same exact question I used to ask. At first I could not believe that money could be made just mailing out a stupid cheap postcard, but its true!
See everyone wants to make money from home and they want something that they can understand and do themselves.
What can be easier than mailing out a postcard? Like anything in life that is worth it, you have to just stick with it. Their are expensive programs and less expensive ones. I chose the less expensive cause it allows the average person to start their own home based business.
I am a simple guy and I like to be able to explain to others what I do and how to do it.
Check out the rest of my blog and if you want more info just check out my other site or give me a call I do not mind.
Enjoy the weekend.
God Bless
Josh Sanchez
I could not help but smile because this is the same exact question I used to ask. At first I could not believe that money could be made just mailing out a stupid cheap postcard, but its true!
See everyone wants to make money from home and they want something that they can understand and do themselves.
What can be easier than mailing out a postcard? Like anything in life that is worth it, you have to just stick with it. Their are expensive programs and less expensive ones. I chose the less expensive cause it allows the average person to start their own home based business.
I am a simple guy and I like to be able to explain to others what I do and how to do it.
Check out the rest of my blog and if you want more info just check out my other site or give me a call I do not mind.
Enjoy the weekend.
God Bless
Josh Sanchez
Does's This Really Work?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I Want To Help You Quit Your Job
Now wouldn't it be great to just walk into your bosses office and say "I quit"?Well it is my goal to help everyone in my team to do just that if you want. Some people might want to keep their jobs even though they may make more working their Healthy Profits Now (HPN) business from home. Nothing wrong with that if thats what you want :-)I am always working on different things to help my team succeed and currently I am working on something that I think will work big time and bring in lots more sales for my team.Right now I am just putting the finishing touches on it and will be testing it shortly. I will keep everyone up to date here on my blog with the results. So I would suggest you subscribe to my blog so you do not miss updates.You see my goal is to make working a home business as easy as possible. I am not an Internet guru, but I do understand that some like to use the Internet. So I am testing an "easy anyone can do it" marketing plan for those wanting to use the Internet. I want who ever wants to have an Internet presence, even if they do not have a computer to be able to do just that.So whenever you are ready to start changing your life and quit your job call my 24hr toll free #1-866-632-1997 ID#831579 Like always if you want to drop me a line please do I do not mind. I am here to help you.
Make It A Great Day!
Make It A Great Day!
I Want To Help You Quit Your Job
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Sad Truth of Having A Job!
Yesterday I was talking to a Physician Assistant (PA) at the clinic I manage,. Im not sure how we got into the subject, but we started to talk about jobs and the economy and stuff.
Well the PA was commenting on how she hardly gets to see her 1 year old twin daughters and how she was always tired when she got home. After talking a bit more with her I relized that she only sees her children for about 2 1/2 to 3 hours a day! Whats that about? I guess I always knew that, but when I actually was thinking about it, she got home around 5:30 or 6:00 and her kids are little and need to go to bed early.
I paused for a bit and said wow work sucks right?
She agreed and said back to me strongly " Work sucks but what else can we do"!
Folks, working all day just to see your family for a couple two to three hours a day is not acceptable to me and I think you would agree with me. This is why I believe so strongly with having a home based business or an internet business that allows you to make enough money to be able to quit your job and start spending more time with your family.
My goal is to help as many as I can to quit their jobs as soon as possible. If you would like to know how I am doing this feel free to email me or call me or just check out the rest of my blog.
Well the PA was commenting on how she hardly gets to see her 1 year old twin daughters and how she was always tired when she got home. After talking a bit more with her I relized that she only sees her children for about 2 1/2 to 3 hours a day! Whats that about? I guess I always knew that, but when I actually was thinking about it, she got home around 5:30 or 6:00 and her kids are little and need to go to bed early.
I paused for a bit and said wow work sucks right?
She agreed and said back to me strongly " Work sucks but what else can we do"!
Folks, working all day just to see your family for a couple two to three hours a day is not acceptable to me and I think you would agree with me. This is why I believe so strongly with having a home based business or an internet business that allows you to make enough money to be able to quit your job and start spending more time with your family.
My goal is to help as many as I can to quit their jobs as soon as possible. If you would like to know how I am doing this feel free to email me or call me or just check out the rest of my blog.
The Sad Truth of Having A Job
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Here is my beautiful wife and I at Williamsburg Virginia on a family trip. As you can see I am not the good looking one.
I really had fun that trip. I want everyone to be able to take trips with their loved ones too.
Now I am not talking about that once a year vacation you plan for right as soon as you get back from your last once a year vacation.
I want you to be able to take off when you want to. I want you to be able to raise your kids and see them take their first step and watch them grow before your eyes, not hear about it from the sitter. That’s not life!!
Now I bet you want to know how to do this right?
“It must cost a fortune to get started in my own business”?
“Ok so then it must be real difficult to do right”?
Nope, just be consistent. Actually working a successful home business is kind of boring. I mean work wise.
Now don’t get me wrong I love getting checks in my mailbox. It’s just the work involved is so simple that its almost boring.
You will hear how easy in a moment. Stay with me.
Look I hate calling people to try and convince them to join my program with a passion.
Truth is people hate to be called back cause they do not want to have to say no. So they make up stories.
They always say “Oh no I never responded to a 10 page questionnaire that asked me 20 times if I want to learn about making money from home and have someone call me back to show me how”.
Now I am sorry, but when I get a confirmation from a prospect who checked their email account from their personal IP address and clicked on the link that says…
“Click here to confirm if you are interested in being called about making money from home”
I just get real upset when they say they did not request info or I was just looking around.
Especially when that lead cost me 5 BUCKS! OUCH! Guess I’m the sucker.
It really frustrated me and made me think I would never be able to do this home based business stuff.
Until now!
Ok so by now your wondering what I am talking about and how easy is it to start, right?
Glad you asked.
Ok.. Ready here it is… drum roll please.
First I need you to buy $3000 worth of water filters and invite 100 of your friends and everyone you know to a hotel meeting..
Been there done that. Yuck!
You can get started today with your own home business and start to make more money from home and spend more time with your family.
I wanted something where I did not have to do all the stuff I hated about other home based business.
With mine..
You Don't Talk To Anyone…
You Don't Sell Anything…
Just how I like it. Simple!
So what I want you to do right now is Call the Toll Free 24 hour recorded message
and get all the details now!
1-866-632-1997 ID: 831570
I really had fun that trip. I want everyone to be able to take trips with their loved ones too.
Now I am not talking about that once a year vacation you plan for right as soon as you get back from your last once a year vacation.
I want you to be able to take off when you want to. I want you to be able to raise your kids and see them take their first step and watch them grow before your eyes, not hear about it from the sitter. That’s not life!!
Now I bet you want to know how to do this right?
“It must cost a fortune to get started in my own business”?
“Ok so then it must be real difficult to do right”?
Nope, just be consistent. Actually working a successful home business is kind of boring. I mean work wise.
Now don’t get me wrong I love getting checks in my mailbox. It’s just the work involved is so simple that its almost boring.
You will hear how easy in a moment. Stay with me.
Look I hate calling people to try and convince them to join my program with a passion.
Truth is people hate to be called back cause they do not want to have to say no. So they make up stories.
They always say “Oh no I never responded to a 10 page questionnaire that asked me 20 times if I want to learn about making money from home and have someone call me back to show me how”.
Now I am sorry, but when I get a confirmation from a prospect who checked their email account from their personal IP address and clicked on the link that says…
“Click here to confirm if you are interested in being called about making money from home”
I just get real upset when they say they did not request info or I was just looking around.
Especially when that lead cost me 5 BUCKS! OUCH! Guess I’m the sucker.
It really frustrated me and made me think I would never be able to do this home based business stuff.
Until now!
Ok so by now your wondering what I am talking about and how easy is it to start, right?
Glad you asked.
Ok.. Ready here it is… drum roll please.
First I need you to buy $3000 worth of water filters and invite 100 of your friends and everyone you know to a hotel meeting..
Been there done that. Yuck!
You can get started today with your own home business and start to make more money from home and spend more time with your family.
I wanted something where I did not have to do all the stuff I hated about other home based business.
With mine..
You Don't Talk To Anyone…
You Don't Sell Anything…
Just how I like it. Simple!
So what I want you to do right now is Call the Toll Free 24 hour recorded message
and get all the details now!
1-866-632-1997 ID: 831570
Do not put this off any longer.
Trust me this works, you just have to do it.
See you on the other side!
God Bless
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