Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Prime The Pump

Today I want to touch on a similar topic that I did a while back titled "Never Give Up". The reason is that so many people truly want financial freedom and they want to make money from home and stop having to go to work, but something stops them in their tracks.

You see many times people are on the right track, but they give up right before they make it to success. Anything that is worth it does not happen overnight. With HPN the concept is simple. Mail out postcards and maybe take some calls from people that want to just make sure your real :-)

I know that at first when you start mailing out postcards you want a whole bunch of sign ups coming in at one shot but it does not always happen. Case in point, just last night I got a call from a man who wanted to see how HPN was going for me. He had recieved my postcard over two months ago! Wow! So you see if you just get the cards out on a regular basis, the sign ups just start to come in on a regualr basis.

I invite you to watch this short clip on one of my favorite motivational speakers Zig Ziglar. Watch how he hammers my point home in a way that I could never do. Listening to people like Zig help to keep me focused on what I need to do, to be successfull. I think it will help you too. Plus he is very entertaining :-)

I plan to post some more of his clips in the post to come, so keep checking back from time to time.

God Bless

Josh Sanchez
For more info or to join just call 1-866-632-1997 ID# 831570