You bet it does! I just got back from skiing in Breckenridge Colorado and I came back and had some sales from the postcard I sent prior to leaving, its awsome!! So yes the Healthy Profits Now business still does work and never stopped working.
Here are some pics of my from my trip to Breckenridge, Colorado.
Here are some pics of my from my trip to Breckenridge, Colorado.
Well I hope you enjoyed my pics. I am working on making a little slide show to put my pics in. Lets see if I can figure it out:-) You have no idea how much fun it is to get sign ups and make money while being in my favorite place which is the mountains. Some of the people that I spoke with could tell you that sometimes I would sound funny cause it was like -19F and got as cold as -26F and it was hard to talk sometimes. lol I have a little video clip that I made up on the mountain that I will post later so you can hear how I sound.
But I was able to sit at Starbucks and do some business (answer some emails and calls) as well. Wow is their StartBucks cute. Check out my office up in the mountains :-)
Take care and like always if you have any questions please to not hesitate to call me. I always make myself available to you. All my contact info is on this blog.
Remember the phone number I post on my contact is the same one my wife calls me on so you are can be sure you have my personal number ;-)