Beach weather is coming soon (for some anyway :-) and how great would it be to be sitting in these chairs enjoying your postcard profits on the beach?
So you are looking for a home business to make some extra money from home right? Why else would you be reading this.
Look I know their are lots of programs out their and I have seen probably all of them. Healthy Profits Now has the best payouts I have seen. Its so simple to do and their is no fancy websites to do. Actually I do not even have a website for the company. My postcards with my toll free # (thats given to you free from HPN) does all the explaining and selling.
I bet I know what really gets you upset with home business. You hate being promised the world and when you join you never make money or help from your sponsor.
I have been there before more times than I care to. So here is my promise to you. If you decide this great business is for you, if you sign up with me you will be able to speak with me. If you do not make money then I will not make money. Trust me I love to make money so i will do anything i can to help you along the way.
I truly believe if you have a sponsor who helps you when you have questions and PICKS UP THE PHONE when you call, you will succeed.Yes you can succeed without that, but some people ( me included) like to be able to call someone who knows the business whenever I want if I have questions.
You get that with me. Don't believe? hmmmmm why not?
Look put me to the test and call me. Here is my personal cell phone #956-821-7090. I never hide my # and never will. So if you call me at 3am yes you will wake me up, but I will probably have to call you later cause I will be too sleepy to make sense :-)
yes its happened before lol.
If you do want to call me I just ask that you do me a favor before and call my
free 24hr rec message(this is the same msg from the owner Bruce that you will get access to) at 1-866-632-1997 ID# 831570.
This way you will know exactly what I do and what questions to ask.
Friends I know how it feels to try different business's and fail and it really bites. I am sure most reading this right now have tried marketing on the internet and lost a fortune on it. I know i have.
My postcard system works and if you would like to discuss further why offline marketing works better than internet please call. Hint:
Everyone knows how to stamp a postcard.Hope you have a great weekend and take care