For those that hate to market or join a program and then say to themselves, "great, now how the heck do I advertise this thing"?
Well my friends I have the solution. You see all I do is mail out a cheap postcard, It's so simple, but it works. Yes yes I can hear it now. " but that is so old school".
Maybe, but I have been making consistent sales with my little post cards that I really don't care. If it ain't broken don't fix it right?
So if you are tired of losing money every time you try to make money from home then you will really benefit from joining me.
"Yeah Josh that's great, but what about mailing lists, that's what really matters and your probably going to keep that from us right"?
No Way am I going to keep anything from you. It does me no good to hide my secrets. The more money you make the better and less work I have to do :-) You see I am lazy and like to find easy ways to make money. So I need you to be making lots of cash so that I can keep on with my laziness. :-)
But seriously it works. So to recap what you get when you join my team:
1. You get to use the exact postcard I use
2. You get access to the special mailing list I use that consistently gets me sales. ( Just call or email me after signing up so I can give it to you).
3. And you get access to me whenever you want. I do answer my phone and emails and I return messages if you leave one. Trust me I know how much it sucks joining and your sponsor leaves you high and dry and does not share all their secrets with you. It happened to me and I do not care cause I will take care of my own team which is YOU. Call me crazy, but that's just good common sense to take care of your people :-)
So Don't be a stranger call or email me with questions.
Wondering if I really take my own calls? Then just try me.
Here is my cell phone 956-821-7090 or email me at myhealthyprofitsnow@gmail.comOf course I may be busy or something but just leave a message and I promise I will call you back asap.
Make it a great day
Team Leader
Josh Sanchez
956-821-7090-my cell phone
call my free 24hr rec message at 1-866-632-1997 ID#831570(this is the same msg from the owner Bruce that you will get access to)